Three years ago I had the pleasure of seeing Dear Theo step out into the wild. At the time I remember feeling such pleasure being able to be involved in a project alongside Biblica - the International Bible Society no less! In October 2018, Trevor Wilson and I met for lunch in London (remember those days?) to discuss possible future steps and we got into an interesting chat about the Joseph story arc in Genesis that arrives at this line in chapter 50 verse 20:
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.
I had been teaching this story throughout my time as a schoolteacher and continued to be fascinated by the way that Joseph was empowered to overcome serious wrongdoing by his brothers. In our discussion, Trevor and I wondered whether there might be the possibility of making something that could bring the story of this triumph into earshot of contemporary culture.
Although we had no formal agreement in place I decided that this was too important for me to sidestep developing the ideas, so I set about repeating the journey that I had taken with Dear Theo. Printing out a book of the Genesis text, I got to work scribbling ideas as I reflected on the text.
Here is a section from that initial document: